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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Quote from: 56008At the very least, I wanted a simple acknowledgement and perhaps an apology regarding the unprofessionalism

You expected someone working on this project to own up to their errors like a responsible human being? What are you,



Quote from: 56008knock on Dina, but I found to be rather unprofessional and I believe breaks the rules.
You mean breaking company policy:

[spoilerbox] And where you can find, if I am not deleted ;p[/spoilerbox]

Quote from: 56008I'm sure some of you saw her post directed at me which basically was threatening me with strikes if I were to continue the discussion, and I've sent several emails regarding the incident and the concerns I've had regarding it.
Which is is still against company policy. According to them now, they are supposed to email these things, then MOD EDIT or delete the posts. <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>BSO loves to delete although:
Quote from: \"BSO\"Four. Sending someone an e-mail in the hopes that they might be on and will see it in those 10 minutes will almost always be a pointless wait. I'm also not a fan of ignoring clear violations of the rules.
</a> Dina maybe following suit too.


Quote from: Psi-ZeroYou expected someone working on this project to own up to their errors like a responsible human being? What are you,
A crack.

[spoilerbox]All Definitions intended. Mostly cracked at these:


3 ? informal a joke, typically a critical or unkind one.

5 (also crack cocaine) a hard, crystalline form of cocaine broken into small pieces and smoked.


1 very good, especially at a specified activity or in a specified role


I'm not 100% sure (since I don't have the screencap with me at the moment) but all those rules and policies may not have been in place when she posted said "threat" to me.  I'll need to double check the date the post was.

Quote from: TrueMightyNo9fan@Psi-Zero

Quote from: Psi-ZeroYou expected someone working on this project to own up to their errors like a responsible human being? What are you,
A crack.

[spoilerbox]All Definitions intended. Mostly cracked at these:


3 ? informal a joke, typically a critical or unkind one.

5 (also crack cocaine) a hard, crystalline form of cocaine broken into small pieces and smoked.


1 very good, especially at a specified activity or in a specified role[/spoilerbox]

Lol, I deserved that!


It was also brought to my attention that my previous....previous post was screencapped and posted on 4chan, which I'm actually totally fine with.  I unfortunately don't have access to screencap of the "threat" I mentioned at this time (I'm having my lunch at work) nor am I ready to post it yet since doing so may ban me from the forums.  I did actually got said screencap from 4chan, so I'm certain someone has it if you want it immediately.

But before people get a high expectation with what I may/will share, it isn't something groundbreaking or a major bomb that would destroy all credibility of the companies involved with the Mighty No 9.  However what it does show is a lack of communication and professionalism on their part, even when I gave them ample opportunities to save face.  It also helps paints the picture that they don't really care all that much about the backers or our community which many of you have been trying to tell the public on other sites.

In all honesty, I don't really see much happen if or when I share what I have.  However I at the very least feel compelled to lay everything out and give every single one of you and the general public to form their own opinions on the matter.  That's all.

*edit* BTW, I just checked the thread and no, none of the screencaps that were posted after the screencap of my post are the ones I was referring to.  I THINK it was in Dina's AMA, but the posts in question are already deleted so don't bother to look for it if you don't already have it saved somewhere.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: 56008It was also brought to my attention that my previous....previous post was screencapped and posted on 4chan, which I'm actually totally fine with.  I unfortunately don't have access to screencap of the "threat" I mentioned at this time (I'm having my lunch at work) nor am I ready to post it yet since doing so may ban me from the forums.  I did actually got said screencap from 4chan, so I'm certain someone has it if you want it immediately.

But before people get a high expectation with what I may/will share, it isn't something groundbreaking or a major bomb that would destroy all credibility of the companies involved with the Mighty No 9.  However what it does show is a lack of communication and professionalism on their part, even when I gave them ample opportunities to save face.  It also helps paints the picture that they don't really care all that much about the backers or our community which many of you have been trying to tell the public on other sites.

In all honesty, I don't really see much happen if or when I share what I have.  However I at the very least feel compelled to lay everything out and give every single one of you and the general public to form their own opinions on the matter.  That's all.

*edit* BTW, I just checked the thread and no, none of the screencaps that were posted after the screencap of my post are the ones I was referring to.  I THINK it was in Dina's AMA, but the posts in question are already deleted so don't bother to look for it if you don't already have it saved somewhere.
That's the beauty of those threads, and 4chan, they usually screen cap shit for posterity or to laugh at others. I think one of the people I know who was part of all this has page dumps somewhere.

Just do what I do, offer to inform people about whats been going down if they're willing to listen to the true story, even just showing derpasaur's comment.


That summary alone may take some time to read but it sums up so much and helps get the point across, so far it's hit or miss, some people are shocked others are dead set in their mindsets, can't save the people deadset on thinking all this is happening because of some strawman reasoning, gotta sway the ones focused


Quote from: Quattro BajeenaThat's the beauty of those threads, and 4chan, they usually screen cap shit for posterity or to laugh at others. I think one of the people I know who was part of all this has page dumps somewhere.

Just do what I do, offer to inform people about whats been going down if they're willing to listen to the true story, even just showing derpasaur's comment.


That summary alone may take some time to read but it sums up so much and helps get the point across, so far it's hit or miss, some people are shocked others are dead set in their mindsets, can't save the people deadset on thinking all this is happening because of some strawman reasoning, gotta sway the ones focused

Actually I just checked 4chan and I noticed that not only did they find the post in question, but also an archived thread of when the screencap was initially posted!

It's pretty damn impressive and slightly scary that they managed to find it, but it is reassuring that the information is still out there in case people need access to it for whatever reason.

Understandably, I see some people are already jumping to the conclusion that I'm overreacting to the post since they don't see the entire story behind that post and what came afterwards.  And me, mad?  That actually make me chuckle!!  Even though I was not happy with said post and have emailed them regarding it several times, rest assured that I most definitely "moved on" and lived my life.  I also laugh because after the incident, I've received several responses on different occasions from Dina in the forums that came off as very cold with a hint of attitude.  It's a shame that I don't recall what the responses were, but it just came off that she's the one that hasn't gotten over it.

At any rate, as I've said I'm not actually going through with this right away since I want to see what my options are, see if it's even worth worrying about getting banned from the forums again, and also figure out how I would like to share my information.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: 56008
Quote from: Quattro BajeenaThat's the beauty of those threads, and 4chan, they usually screen cap shit for posterity or to laugh at others. I think one of the people I know who was part of all this has page dumps somewhere.

Just do what I do, offer to inform people about whats been going down if they're willing to listen to the true story, even just showing derpasaur's comment.


That summary alone may take some time to read but it sums up so much and helps get the point across, so far it's hit or miss, some people are shocked others are dead set in their mindsets, can't save the people deadset on thinking all this is happening because of some strawman reasoning, gotta sway the ones focused

Actually I just checked 4chan and I noticed that not only did they find the post in question, but also an archived thread of when the screencap was initially posted!

It's pretty damn impressive and slightly scary that they managed to find it, but it is reassuring that the information is still out there in case people need access to it for whatever reason.

Understandably, I see some people are already jumping to the conclusion that I'm overreacting to the post since they don't see the entire story behind that post and what came afterwards.  And me, mad?  That actually make me chuckle!!  Even though I was not happy with said post and have emailed them regarding it several times, rest assured that I most definitely "moved on" and lived my life.  I also laugh because after the incident, I've received several responses on different occasions from Dina in the forums that came off as very cold with a hint of attitude.  It's a shame that I don't recall what the responses were, but it just came off that she's the one that hasn't gotten over it.

At any rate, as I've said I'm not actually going through with this right away since I want to see what my options are, see if it's even worth worrying about getting banned from the forums again, and also figure out how I would like to share my information.
A lot of the dissent originates from there I'd like to think and it allowed Damo to hand wave criticism as "horrible 4chan trolls".

and don't  worry I stopped caring about the thoughts of them long ago not to mention those threads are essentially dead and past help, I stopped going there but from what I hear anytime anything positive about me is brought up, finger pointing starts going around for a solid 100 posts or so, I'd also not worry about the screen caps, they lurk here too as well  and will no doubt try and find said responses, at this point however worrying about being banned from a ghost town is something that is for me at the bottom of my priorities list.

And the information will never be lost there are archives being kept of everything.


Howdy folks.

Not to be a huge bug in the ear, but I'm one of the people that wasn't a backer of the MN9 project.  That said, I'd heard about the issues and went questing for information.

Somehow as I did, this place popped up so now I registered to try to get the skinny.  I've been going through the thread to make sure to discuss the entire issue so I won't be painting any broad brushes.  I just want to make sure that this issue gets some better information out there than what was there before.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: JagosHowdy folks.

Not to be a huge bug in the ear, but I'm one of the people that wasn't a backer of the MN9 project.  That said, I'd heard about the issues and went questing for information.

Somehow as I did, this place popped up so now I registered to try to get the skinny.  I've been going through the thread to make sure to discuss the entire issue so I won't be painting any broad brushes.  I just want to make sure that this issue gets some better information out there than what was there before.

if you've read derpasaur's comment from kotaku which has been saved on pastebin and spread around then you're somewhat up to speed, there are archives of screen caps and dumps but I'm not sure it wise to make that content public yet

the pastebin in question BTW


Quote from: Quattro Bajeena
Quote from: JagosHowdy folks.

Not to be a huge bug in the ear, but I'm one of the people that wasn't a backer of the MN9 project.  That said, I'd heard about the issues and went questing for information.

Somehow as I did, this place popped up so now I registered to try to get the skinny.  I've been going through the thread to make sure to discuss the entire issue so I won't be painting any broad brushes.  I just want to make sure that this issue gets some better information out there than what was there before.

if you've read derpasaur's comment from kotaku which has been saved on pastebin and spread around then you're somewhat up to speed, there are archives of screen caps and dumps but I'm not sure it wise to make that content public yet

the pastebin in question BTW

Yeah, I saw that.  That's been spreading around quite a bit and I want to make sure that my next video on this is based more or less on the truth.

I'm working on talking about Comcept as well as the background of Capcom and Inafune so that people have a lot more context to this issue.

Sorry, but I just don't think that Dina is doing this without their knowledge, especially given all of the stuff that's come out already.  And with Inafune wanting a "new direction" for MN9 when people just wanted the spiritual successor, this seems to have been a plan to take the money and create conflict.

I may be wrong but the corruption might actually be a little higher than one Community Manager...


Quote from: JagosHowdy folks.

Not to be a huge bug in the ear, but I'm one of the people that wasn't a backer of the MN9 project.  That said, I'd heard about the issues and went questing for information.

Somehow as I did, this place popped up so now I registered to try to get the skinny.  I've been going through the thread to make sure to discuss the entire issue so I won't be painting any broad brushes.  I just want to make sure that this issue gets some better information out there than what was there before.

Welcome to the forums!

Reading all the information you can get outside of the official forums, you may already have the impression that a lot of us who have issues with the project are nothing but a bunch of self-entitled idiots acting like children.  But you'd be surprised that a lot of us are decent people!  As long as you treat us with respect, you get that respect back.  Simple as that!

Quote from: JagosYeah, I saw that.  That's been spreading around quite a bit and I want to make sure that my next video on this is based more or less on the truth.

I'm working on talking about Comcept as well as the background of Capcom and Inafune so that people have a lot more context to this issue.

Sorry, but I just don't think that Dina is doing this without their knowledge, especially given all of the stuff that's come out already.  And with Inafune wanting a "new direction" for MN9 when people just wanted the spiritual successor, this seems to have been a plan to take the money and create conflict.

I may be wrong but the corruption might actually be a little higher than one Community Manager...

I'm not sure about the whole "new direction" theory, but a lot of people are getting the picture that Dina is in fact not acting on her own.  It doesn't necessarily change my opinions on her as a Community Manager, but it does bring up a bigger concern that the companies involved really don't care about the forums or backer feedback.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: Jagos
Quote from: Quattro Bajeena
Quote from: JagosHowdy folks.

Not to be a huge bug in the ear, but I'm one of the people that wasn't a backer of the MN9 project.  That said, I'd heard about the issues and went questing for information.

Somehow as I did, this place popped up so now I registered to try to get the skinny.  I've been going through the thread to make sure to discuss the entire issue so I won't be painting any broad brushes.  I just want to make sure that this issue gets some better information out there than what was there before.

if you've read derpasaur's comment from kotaku which has been saved on pastebin and spread around then you're somewhat up to speed, there are archives of screen caps and dumps but I'm not sure it wise to make that content public yet

the pastebin in question BTW

Yeah, I saw that.  That's been spreading around quite a bit and I want to make sure that my next video on this is based more or less on the truth.

I'm working on talking about Comcept as well as the background of Capcom and Inafune so that people have a lot more context to this issue.

Sorry, but I just don't think that Dina is doing this without their knowledge, especially given all of the stuff that's come out already.  And with Inafune wanting a "new direction" for MN9 when people just wanted the spiritual successor, this seems to have been a plan to take the money and create conflict.

I may be wrong but the corruption might actually be a little higher than one Community Manager...

the corruption may lie with DDM, and if you are who I think you are a friend of mine may have recently been in touch with you on youtube,and ask around, TMN9F would know more on that subject


Quote from: 56008Welcome to the forums!

Reading all the information you can get outside of the official forums, you may already have the impression that a lot of us who have issues with the project are nothing but a bunch of self-entitled idiots acting like children.  But you'd be surprised that a lot of us are decent people!  As long as you treat us with respect, you get that respect back.  Simple as that!

Most of those self entitled stenographic assholes wouldn't know a story from a hole in the ground.  It's utterly disrespectful that they make up this agenda crap and move it into the public sphere instead of trying to be honest about what they're doing in passing their agenda on as news.  So no, I don't see anyone as idiots save for people like Ian Miles Cheung who intentionally misrepresents facts like he did on Reddit to make money.  No wonder his ass got banned from there.

QuoteI'm not sure about the whole "new direction" theory, but a lot of people are getting the picture that Dina is in fact not acting on her own.  It doesn't necessarily change my opinions on her as a Community Manager, but it does bring up a bigger concern that the companies involved really don't care about the forums or backer feedback.

Well... Dina logging into Inafune's account to pass on messages?  That's just sheer incompetence.  I just can't believe no one is bothering to look at something like this with a more careful look but they want to complain about female protagonists for four weeks straight.  I just plan to try to be more a guy centered on the public view ala Internet Aristocrat (I know that ruffles feathers, but I'm not quite there on the sarcasm meter as he is...) instead of what I saw from other mainstream units.

And yeah, the best Dina could do is complain about me asking about what everyone else is saying about her.  She can't ban me since I was never a forumite anyway.  And this place looks fun.  So I go where the story goes.  ;)

Quattro Bajeena

nothing is being done proper, I mean look at the project KS comments, it's a hug box chat room, with a mentality than mass reports users who don't fall into their mindset, and some of their postings are gaia online tier of posting


Quote from: 56008As long as you treat us with respect, you get that respect back.  Simple as that!

It's amazing that so few people understand this very basic principal. Then they have the nerve to complain about disrespect when they were the ones who were set that tone in the first place. That's why this whole mess exists. Dina made a ton of mistakes, didn't own up to it, and to this day she won't just be an adult about it.

Quote from: JagosI just plan to try to be more a guy centered on the public view ala Internet Aristocrat (I know that ruffles feathers, but I'm not quite there on the sarcasm meter as he is...)

Despite the fact that he technically insulted me by addressing a group that I am semantically be a part of as if everyone in that group is the same as the people he was spotlighting... I still have nothing but respect for the guy. He's right most of the time and he makes really good points, extreme hyperbole for entertainment value aside. If someone faults you for any allusions to him, they're just as retarded as the people he mocks.

Quote from: Quattro Bajeenanothing is being done proper, I mean look at the project KS comments, it's a hug box chat room, with a mentality than mass reports users who don't fall into their mindset, and some of their postings are gaia online tier of posting

At this point I'm faulting the users of those comments. They're being stubborn with their BS and they should be reigned in like the children they are... but I don't know how much authority/control Comcept has over that, since it's Kickstarter's site. I don't know, I don't have a KS account or anything.