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MN9 Banned Members Camp

Started by mightyno67277p, December 27, 2013, 06:55:59 AM

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Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: Flamemmm. Kotaku comments still spread the wrong info though, but well, Kotaku, I wouldn't expect any less.

take a look

Quote from: brad DonaldBrad Donald

? 16 hours ago


The community is angry, gave up on the game, or is completely sycophantic just to avoid bans on the forums these days.

For those interested here is a rundown of the main issues. On the MN9 forums from Derpasaur.

"This issue was misconstrued by media that had no

access to the backers forum and was only going off what they could

obtain from 3rd-party sites that were discussing this. All of the

articles were made as basic "click bait" saying that the boards were

misogynist and people were mad she was a feminist. While that was the

initial knee-jerk response, that was cleared up fairly quickly, no one

had any problems with it at all.

What cause problems was the sheer lack of professionalism that Dina

has displayed. She will edit any post that she feels are wrong based on

her own interpretation of whatever was posted, not based on the rules.

When things were posted in line with the rules, but she disagreed with

the execution of what was posted, she'd lock the topic.

Any thread/post/comment directed at her in ANY form, be it polite or

rude, was deleted. People then started getting banned for simply voicing

their concerns, or some for even saying they would be leaving the

forums until things got better.

Then people tried getting refunds because they no longer wanted to be

apart of the project, they all were within the official window provided

by amazon payments. They were denied 3 hours before the deadline on

December 30th by DDM with a vague email saying "if you're unhappy at the

moment, consider stepping away from the forums". They asked for answers

directly from Comcept, in which Dina said she "Is Comcept" and also

that everyone on staff is "aware".

Then people came back to the forums, upset about the response that

was given to them. Not only was it unprofessional, it lumped in some

legitimate concerns for a refund as being an "unhappy" backer because of

forum decisions. Some people genuinely needed their money back for

bills, loss of jobs, etc.

Then, after people starting voicing their disapproval of how things

are being handled, some did worse than others obviously, but some were

polite, level headed, and professional, 11-12 members were banned

without any warning, or reason.

Dina herself told several of them if they requested information about

the ban, they'd be provided with one. Over a week later people received

a generic copy and paste email saying it's against Comcepts policy to

discuss the reasons for bans. Dina then replied in the forums basically

saying "whoops, I didn't know the policy".

She doesn't even know the policy of the company she works for about

banning the members of the forums she's in charge of monitoring. So,

after that the rules were excruciatingly detailed to the point where if

any post didn't meet those exact requirements the member would be given a

warning/strike/ or a ban.

Blatant rule breaking by other members that did not speak up against

Dina has been allowed. Commercial advertising of La-Mulana 2's

kickstarter was one, because Dina is friends with people at Playism.

That goes directly against the rules about advertising in any form. A

member spoke up about it, his post was edited, message deleted, and

received a strike that goes towards a ban after 3 are received.

There are literally HUNDREDS of screenshots pointing out all of these

edits and bans taken by the forum members. It is no longer about

concerns for the gender of the robots, it was maybe a concern for 10

minutes on that initial day, but now it's about an abuse of power. If

you're a backer you can confirm THE FORUMS ARE DEAD. No one hardly posts

there anymore out of fear of being banned. Another fan site is where a

lot of the discussion is held now, alot of the banned members go there.

The rest stay in the 200k+ post, kickstarter comments. In which Dina

runs around as her self-named "MARDINAFUNE" on Inafune's account giving

out forum infractions for things that take place on a separate site.

People were even banned for tweeting @inafune and @comcept.

Dina has effectively rendered the forums useless. No one wants to

post. No one is left to post that were initially responsible for them

being active. No one wants to come back either because everything deemed

"inappropriate" is based on the whims of those that have the forum

permissions to ban. Any given day it could be different.

This isn't what we signed up for. This isn't what we paid our money

to be apart of. We're being treated like we're free-members, not people

that paid our hard earned money to see this project be great. Dina is

basically sayin the forums are hers, not the community's. It's her way

or the highway. If she doesn't agree with how you are as a community

member, you're gone.

This is why A LOT of people want her gone. Not because she's a woman,

or a feminist, or a communist, or wanted to make Beck a's

because she is literally toxic to this project and she's killing the

community as a result. "_derpasaur via Kotaku comment.

derpasaur's comment is being passed around rather nicely



Quote from: NotSpiderBreadPassed around on what?
On Steam.

Quattro Bajeena

Quote from: NotSpiderBreadPassed around on what?

it's started popping up in comment sections with the recent MN9 stuff


You want controversy?

I hope Dina comes out of the shower naked and steps on a Lego.


Quote from: RyuseiYou want controversy?

I hope Dina comes out of the shower naked and steps on a Lego.

That's cruel man... I like this idea



To explain it, Pontata had rebloged a forum screencap and this guy called the mods on it.

Seeing as there's no rules bending nor biased moderation, I guess we can assume that as long as you don't upload the screencap or can't be pointed as the uploader (ex: "finding" a forum pic on imgur and sharing its link), breaking the "forum content reproduction" rules is a-ok.


Quote from: NoID

To explain it, Pontata had rebloged a forum screencap and this guy called the mods on it.

Seeing as there's no rules bending nor biased moderation, I guess we can assume that as long as you don't upload the screencap or can't be pointed as the uploader (ex: "finding" a forum pic on imgur and sharing its link), breaking the "forum content reproduction" rules is a-ok.

So... The mods doesn't care? What a shock! If anyone else have did this, the banhammer would fall...


Oh yeah you know anyone else would have been immediately banned... That's rather shitty IMO... >_>


Kind of on topic, the rules at the Might No. 9 forums clearly state that "banning for any period is considered a serious punishment, administrative staff must first discuss the matter".  I was probably banned minutes after my post.

So yeah....why bother having rules when you don't even follow them, eh mods?


Quote from: 56008So yeah....why bother having rules when you don't even follow them, eh mods?

The rules only apply to people who are dissatisfied with the current situation, from what I can tell.

What was even the "reason" they gave you?


Too tired to share all the details, but I suspect that they simply don't like James Van Der Beek:


Wait, you too? It's kind of depressing that I have to hear about it over here, instead of the forum it happened.

Swan Dive

56008- You were banned for posting that clapping gif?!


@Swan Dive

Quote from: Swan Dive56008- You were banned for posting that clapping gif?!

Quote from: 56008At least with one of the warnings (or was it "strike"?), I was not able to get full details on why it was counted towards me simply because they did not record and file the incident properly.

There was also the warning I got for answering the bait from Heat Man and imitating SIMSteven, which I don't think neither SIMSteven or Heat Man got any warnings for it (which kinda proved my point of the unfair moderation of the board)

And I also pointed out that some of my infractions were actually strikes, not warnings.  As you may or may not know in the prior Expanded Forum Guidelines, strikes and warnings were 2 separate infractions and mods were not meant to combine them to make the total "3 strike" count.  So meaning you had to get 3 strikes to get banned, not 2 strikes and a warning.  Having multiple warnings can also lead to bans...but it was never clear how many.  At any rate, they would later scrap the "strike" category, probably because I pointed out how confusing it was, and everything just became warnings.  HOWEVER, they did fail to mention that any strikes we accumulated would become warnings and thus would count towards my "3 strike", "3 warning" count.
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Discussion  about bans should be done here although. I posted my comments about it on the <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>Re: Discussion with BSO Split from "How are you currently fe</a> thread.