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The Weather Topic

Started by TheRaven, January 05, 2014, 01:45:34 AM

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Here you can post and share what weather you are currently experiencing. Well we are about to get hit by a huge winter storm, and boy talk about a busy day at work. I work at Walmart, and we were the only store that had milk as every other store in the general area was out! Everyone was acting like it was snowmageddon or something.  :becksurprised It still isn't doing anything yet but I really hope it's going to be as bad as they are saying.


Well, the UK's weather is set to get worse from today on-wards. We've had mass floods and other issues over the last week so it'll be interesting to see what else can happen.

Can't believe the States are getting an average of -15 degrees. That's mental!


And now it's starting to get warmer, and pretty much all the snow we had already melted away at this point. It's going to be 56 tomorrow, definitely above the norm for us here at this time of year. It's too bad I have to work so I don't get to enjoy it but gotta make that money somehow right? :V


Quote from: mightyno67277p

Think I'll head for Osaka, it's nice and warm there right now haha. :P


Well our weather has been quite bipolar today, but it's to be expected where I live. :P It went from being cloudy out just a tiny bit, then the sun came out and as I was coming home from work it started to sprinkle a bit and finally it started pouring down raining a few minutes afterwards. :V Now it's sunny out again, and humid.


Lately it's been raining a lot.  But I think today was the last day of it for a while.  It looks like it's going to by sunny for a while and getting warmer. 


I hate the weather lately.. during the day its hotter than hell and by night its so cold you're shivering.


It's been pretty hot here lately. We got some nasty storms last night and my power almost went out like three times, right before I was going to play Dragon Warrior. :V


It's been gloomy here, we're supposed to keep getting storms until Tuesday but at least it's starting to feel like fall out now which is awesome! :D