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Any Game Grumps fans?

Started by Weejus, January 17, 2014, 04:46:47 PM

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I personally love Game Grumps. It's my favourite show on YouTube. I love it because they play the games that most other YouTubers don't play and the way they act doesn't feel forced at all, as well as that Arin and Jon/Danny have moving moments and stories which sets it apart from the rest.


While I do like the show it severely damaged Arin's reputation for me.

I know this isn't really about Arin but I have to get this out of my chest. Like it's so obvious this guy doesn't play anything but 2d sidescrollers and that his opinions on 3d games are just downright amateur due to his lack of experience in them. I'm also pretty mad that he discontinued sequelitis all together along with Girl Chan in Paradise due to the mad dosh he's getting via GG. Those were awesome and fun things and very few things out there on the internet can compare. Sequelitis was the perfect blend of humour and actual discussion, very much unlike AVGN and his many, many, many poorly done clones. Girl Chan in Paradise pretty much made fun of EVERY mainstream anime trope, the only piece of works that can compare out there is Yugi-Oh TAS by Little Kuriboh and Gigabots. With Gigabots being a direct parody of tokusatsu, mecha anime and Evangelion.

With that said they're pretty much the only LPers who don't bore me to tears, they do have some cringe worthy moments, specially on Steam Train but even their cringe worthy episodes are much more entertaining than your average LP.


I used to watch the videos of some of the games they played (i think the most fun games to watch are action games with at least some degree of challenge or so unpolished and glitchy it's comical), but Jon leaving didn't bode well, as Arin had always been the generally straight (...) person of the Game Grumps duo.

Then new people came, but they're just not as funny as Jon nor have the same chemistry, although they're more skilled at playing than the original team, so i guess the dynamic of casual couch play between close friends of the show will never really be the same.


The only problem I have with current Game Grumps is that Arin and Jon had a sort of yin-yang between them: Arin was calm yet Jon was excitable, only now Danny is so mellow that it makes Arin closer to Jon in comparison. I like Danny and I wouldn't want him to leave but he doesn't create the same dynamic Jon did, meaning the laugh-out-loud moments or the heated, competitive moments are much less frequent than when Jon was around. I still watch GG though, just not as often (when it was new, I eagerly anticipated the newest episode from the moment I got up, GG made the summer of 2012 one of the best of my life). Admittedly, in the 6 months before Jon's departure, GG was going downhill in terms of quality (but it had a shortlived boost during their Mario Party 2 Revengeance/Strider 2/Castlevania 1 period in which it was as good as when it first started). It was still enjoyable but it was growing stagnant, so maybe Jon leaving was the kick up the arse the show needed, even if Jon was the least replaceable out of the two.

As for Steam Train, I rarely watch it. Their very short Oregon Trail playthrough was a riot though, and I enjoy Steam Rolled. Even if Arin and Jon already played it, they should bring back ChuChu Rocket for a Steam Rolled episode.

And I don't think Arin discontinued Sequelitis entirely, he's just been preoccupied with GG and more recently, Starbomb. And I don't know if GG's been making him 'mad dosh', I mean they have a substantial amount of merch on the Rodeo Arcade site (but I wish they wouldn't sell a lot of their shirts for 1 week only) but I don't know if he and Suzy can make a living off GG profits (but I imagine Starbomb profits will help, even if some goes to Danny and Brian). Does Arin even have a job besides animating and GG?

Sorry for the text wall.


I'm actually glad the fat persian left mang. His show is good but his GG stuff almost made me freaking deaf at times. And I never appreciated his singing, nor do I appreciate Danny's either. I think the show is just the same really, while it is true Jon very much forced himself to be the wild card his weak episodes put me off just as much as Danny's episodes. And at least with Arin and Danny we have them use strategy guides, meaning we're not going to get Naughty Bear 2.0.

And nah man, GG is a cash cow for him, it's not just the partner money but the merchandise, free gifts and stuff he gets. And with Starbomb and the affiliations he has with Polaris cash shouldn't be an issue unless he wastes it on "Hookers and Blow".

"And I don't think Arin discontinued Sequelitis entirely, "

He did, the Zelda Sequelitis has been in the works for nearly 2 years now, and Girl Chan in Paradise was canceled via a twitter post out of all things.

"Does Arin even have a job besides animating and GG?"

Rumors say he used to work as an animator for Fox Network, however outside of rumor talk he has confirmed that he did do work in the animation industry. What the work was and for who he has never said exactly, he did say it was horrible, he described it as "soul sucking" IIRC.

With that said I hope the Fat Persian goes back to making more videos about video games or shitty obscure films like Birdemic.


Girlchan was cancelled with a Twitter post? If it's not too much trouble, can you find that tweet?

Also, he only gets the gifts because he's built up a fanbase over the past 8 years of people who would want to. The only time I feel he was going up his own arse was when he was going on shows such as The Tester (officially the lowest point in his life  :lol: ) and that dancing show I forgot the name of.


I stopped watching Game Grumps when Jon left and Danny came on board.  I liked GG because I knew both Arin and Jon's work before then and liked it, and I liked the chemistry they had going on together.  Jon's abrupt departure along with some stranger brought in as a replacement didn't sit well with me, and I watched episodes with him and couldn't find them entertaining.  I watched Danny's other work and couldn't find any of that interesting either.

I still go back and watch episodes with Jon in them sometimes.


While I find Jontron entertaining on his own, I never really found the Game Grumps entertaining as a whole.  It's mainly because it's hard for me to find let's players entertaining.  However I did like their episode with Grant Kirkhope but that's about it.


Quote from: WeejusGirlchan was cancelled with a Twitter post? If it's not too much trouble, can you find that tweet?

I don't know how to twitter since I abstain from using social networking media aside from a couple of gaming forums but yeah this thing is on a long lasting haitus.

Quote from: WeejusAlso, he only gets the gifts because he's built up a fanbase over the past 8 years of people who would want to. The only time I feel he was going up his own arse was when he was going on shows such as The Tester (officially the lowest point in his life  :lol: ) and that dancing show I forgot the name of.

I wouldn't say Arin has ever been up his own ass to be honest, he's really humble in gaming conventions and with his interactions with fans. It's just that he has become extremely lazy due to his partnership with Youtube, Polaris and the merchandizing. And yeah those contests were really lame but I'm sure even those jobs are better than working as some drone animating for some studio that doesn't give him the respect gorillions of fans do. As I said I'm just mad at him because of the laziness, hell if you look at "his" starbomb music video  you'll notice that he doesn't even animate as much as he used to, he actually hired an animation studio and freelancers to do most of the gruntwork for him.

While I am glad that he has made a name for himself and is relatively succesful I miss Ego's REAL OC and wish Gamegrumps never happened.


Quote from: ThePrinceOfMooseWhile I find Jontron entertaining on his own, I never really found the Game Grumps entertaining as a whole.

Pretty much this. I liked john on his own but I don't know when he was with ego his humor felt much more scripted and overall wasn't as entertaining.


I plan on animating some scenes from game grumps for my first few tries. I love those guys, my sister is heartbroken over jon leaving though


JonTron has recently released a new episode of Normal Boots on his website.


Quote from: RyuseiJonTron has recently released a new episode of Normal Boots on his website.

I saw it earlier. I remember when that Home Alone PS2 game came out. Blast made a bunch of PS2 games based on movies that lost their relevancy, for example Babe.


Quote from: Weejusfor example Babe.

[cringing intensifies]

I remember having played a PC version of Home Alone when i was a kid, it looked better than the versions Jon reviewed and required the player to place the objects as traps on certain spots of the house (such as something above a door so it falls on the enemy's head).


Either way, I hope Jon didn't buy a PAL PS2 just for that Home Alone game. Also, if that video is anything to go buy, I will never try to cook popcorn myself.