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Started by TheRaven, January 20, 2014, 04:51:37 AM

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Much the same as Raven, I'm here to help provide a place for those who have none (namely non-backers). Of course, we have backer sections and an actual group for backers but originally this place was for that group of people that either couldn't afford to give to the Kickstarter or just didn't make it in time.

My motivation mainly drives from just having a nice place on the net to hang out and talk to others. Posting here for me is much nicer than bigger boards where my comments would usually disappear due to the influx of posts.


Quote from: MechaGSPosting here for me is much nicer than bigger boards where my comments would usually disappear due to the influx of posts.

I agree. While bigger forums usually give place to faster moving threads, they also have their own problems product of the massivity of their userbases, one of them being the decreased relevance of each regular poster and sometimes anxiety among thread creators to keep their threads visible.

Swan Dive

Quote from: TheRavenThat's so cool. xD And I noticed we start games and never finish them as well. (I saw that in your intro topic. xP) Anyway to answer your question I wanted a Mighty No. 9 community that everyone could enjoy. Since the official forums were going to be for backers only, I thought having a public forum would be a wonderful idea. My motivation for keeping this forum running is definitely the members. I love seeing posts from people around the world and seeing them talk about Mega Man, since I believe that's why most of us are here. :)

Yeah, heh I feel silly for buying games and not finishing them, but it guess it's just a part of who I am then.  I just crave new experiences I think.  Plus the more games I try, the more games I can talk about with others!

I'm glad the forum was made for that reason, because I was actually a little jealous that I couldn't participate in the official MN9forums!   :becksad

Quote from: MechaGSMuch the same as Raven, I'm here to help provide a place for those who have none (namely non-backers). Of course, we have backer sections and an actual group for backers but originally this place was for that group of people that either couldn't afford to give to the Kickstarter or just didn't make it in time.

My motivation mainly drives from just having a nice place on the net to hang out and talk to others. Posting here for me is much nicer than bigger boards where my comments would usually disappear due to the influx of posts.

I agree, in bigger boards I did feel like most everything I said fell upon deaf eyes (blind eyes), but here people are already talking to me.  It's great!   :beckgladsmile  (love these Beck faces btw)

Thanks for taking time and answering the question! *bows*


What do you guys plan on adding to the forum in the future?


Quote from: dragonborn99What do you guys plan on adding to the forum in the future?

At this point in time, there are no plans to add anything new to the forum. If anything, we've removed more recently than added due to issues outside of our control.

We're always open to suggestions though so if anyone has an idea, throw it our way! :)

Swan Dive

Too bad it's slow here now.  You Staff (and members in general) are some cool folks I miss hanging out and posting here with you all here.  'Tis the sad fate of most forums I suppose.  My own forum is nearly a wasteland now.


I know it does suck that it's been quiet around these parts. :( There are a few forum promotion sites I haven't posted a link to the site yet, one of them being a big promotional site. I just can't remember my username/password combination though. :V And I haven't made a video yet to promote the forum, so I suppose it's worth a try right?


I'm experiencing the same thing on my forum. And they did promote me to admin, so now, when the forum crashes, I can take it personnal....

I blame supports such as facebook, twitter & all that jazz where you can make quick posts that don't take too long to read. People prefer that over a forum where you're expected to write properly, go into details, explain yourself, debate, etc....

It's like asking a kid if he prefers fast food or a very good & elaborated food.


You're right, social media has decreased the activity of forums it's sad really. But I remembered my log in details at Forum Promotion finally, and will be making a few post exchanges soon with members so hopefully activity will increase again. It's worth giving it a shot, you might want to check them out as well TechnoWolf. :)