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Capcom and its five year plan.

Started by M#39719 Vince, January 24, 2014, 12:01:59 AM

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If anything, I want Nintendo to keep Megaman and Ace Attorney.


Quote from: ShiroyamiIf anything, I want Nintendo to keep Megaman and Ace Attorney.

Imagine this... Super Mario Attorney! >.>;

OK, maybe don't haha :P


Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: ShiroyamiIf anything, I want Nintendo to keep Megaman and Ace Attorney.

Imagine this... Super Mario Attorney! >.>;

OK, maybe don't haha :P

Well, the plots and characters aren't half bad in the Mario & Luigi series so I bet they could emulate the Ace Attorney feel just fine.

Besides, we'd get Phoenix Wright in Smash and maybe even the Steel Samurai!


Quote from: Shiroyami
Quote from: MechaGS
Quote from: ShiroyamiIf anything, I want Nintendo to keep Megaman and Ace Attorney.

Imagine this... Super Mario Attorney! >.>;

OK, maybe don't haha :P

Well, the plots and characters aren't half bad in the Mario & Luigi series so I bet they could emulate the Ace Attorney feel just fine.

Besides, we'd get Phoenix Wright in Smash and maybe even the Steel Samurai!

Only game that has Phoenix Wright as a fighter in is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and he play's really weirdly!


Quote from: MechaGSOnly game that has Phoenix Wright as a fighter in is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and he play's really weirdly!

I've never played UMvC3 and I suck at fighting games but that's to be expected, considering his role in the Ace Attorney universe: he's a lawyer, not a superhero nor part of the police nor he has magical powers that would be useful in a battle. And that's what would make playing him fun.

Imagine Snake's taunt codec messages, Ace Attorney style. Someone get Maya and Gumshoe in here so they can tell us what they know about Kirby. It'd be hilarious.

Swan Dive

With all the new MM promotions I've been seeing, I can definitely tell Capcom is getting desperate.  MN9 must be making them worry. :D

I've been hearing a lot of good things about The Ace Attorney series, may pick the new one up soon.  

I recently DL'ed the new Devil May Cry (it's free on Playstation Plus), and to be honest I was a lot happier with it than I thought I'd be.  I see a new DMC is on the way in 2015 as well, I sure hope he gets his white hair back though.

So Capcom may actually yet still have my attention if these series keep me entertained.  Still, I'd like to see something completely new from them instead of endless sequels or prequels, and (oh no, please not) remakes.


Quote from: Swan DiveI've been hearing a lot of good things about The Ace Attorney series, may pick the new one up soon. 

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney // Gyakuten Saiban

Ace Attorney - Justice For All // Gyakuten Saiban 2

Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations // Gyakuten Saiban 3

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney // Gyakuten Saiban 4

Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies // Gyakuten Saiban 5

Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth // Gyakuten Kenji

I recommend following the games in the order they were released not only because of plot and character development: the series is chock full of references to past games. To be fair, I picked the series at the third game and I love it just the same because the third game knows how to make you curious about what happened in earlier games.

Since Ace Attorney Investigations isn't as important to Apollo Justice/Dual Destinies, feel free to pick it up after playing through the original trilogy.