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Official Update Thread

Started by Weejus, February 22, 2014, 04:06:43 PM

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[quote author="MechaGS" data-cid="12041" data-time="1413304578">

Can't say I'm happy with English VA's winning over Japanese VA's considering it's a Japanese game. Kind of wrecks the rest of the identity the game had for itself.


Also, an announcement of DLC before the game gets released? MADNESS I SAY! Guess we'll see what happens with it.


EDIT: I read Pewpew's post from the link given and have to say I also believe they are starting to rush through now. I wrote this on the official forum and I stand by what I've said.



From what I can tell, the localization dollars are the aim of that game...


Maybe im alone in this but im happy its in English, having to stop to read is kinda dumb.

Altho I love japanese voices in anime it just feel out of place in a fast pace game, since I like knowing what is going on in the story im playing.


If I was a developer and im at a point we have to choose english/japanese I would have chosen neither, and come up with a way to make the text be readable.

Like making cutscenes ingame, or freezing the game while the text pop up, or some other difrent make up.


But who knows, if the game sells well they might include japanese voice acting in the future, since it be updated with DLC adding it would be no problem.


Or if people are so desperate to have japanese voices, can always mod the client, wich would be the pc version only.


[quote author="Home15" data-cid="12046" data-time="1413359879">

If I was a developer and im at a point we have to choose english/japanese I would have chosen neither, and come up with a way to make the text be readable.

This, all of this. And someone in the threads said to use vocaloids for this, to make it even cheaper to add voice acting in the game, regardless of language. So that even backers that want to support other languages, and can translate, can easily embed their own synths. Looks like barely anyone liked the idea, but readable text while you play is possible like it was done on many games prior to this one, with proper font, contrast, and position.

Even previous Megaman games are great examples of how to add dialogue , while maintaining the pace in the game.

[quote author="Home15" data-cid="12046" data-time="1413359879">

But who knows, if the game sells well they might include japanese voice acting in the future, since it be updated with DLC adding it would be no problem.

Or miraculously, they get funded on Makuake in the last 14 days:">

and then they can "add" Japanese voice acting.

inb4 JP synths, with EN VA.

Quote from: "Home15" data-cid="12046" data-time="1413359879">

Or if people are so desperate to have japanese voices, can always mod the client, w[hich would be the pc version only.

Heh. To hope they make it mod-able. The devs seem to favor Steam.


[quote author="pewpew" data-cid="12047" data-time="1413425183">

Even previous Megaman games are great examples of how to add dialogue , while maintaining the pace in the game.


Except for Mega Man X5 ... and X6 


 Update 77:
Well... what a shocker. They're asking for more money! :V (Yeah I know this update is like a day late but eh. :P)


 What surprised me the most was the amount of news organizations that covered the news, virtually around at the same time, right after it was published:

The comments where expected. And the consensus agrees this was a bad idea, including backers if you look at the Kickstarter comments on that post and the project's main comments.

What I am mostly wondering is all the unanswered questions and contest results. But DLC PROPOSAL FIRST!



 Allow me to double post as the poll for our names in the credits staff roll has been launched.

I just realised there was enough space to put "Dina ruined this project"

Do you think we should.......?


 Don't forgot today's surprise update of five dollars per wallpaper, for 3 of them so far.

If the DLC, Voice acting, Makuake campaign, TV animation, movie and franchise ideas did not turn people off, this will.

5 American dollars, PER WALLPAPER. Reminds me of stuff like this:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="355">

It will go with the "or any words/phrases considered indecent or related to indecent subject matter. "
So it will not budge. Though others had an idea, that I will not be a part of.

But do remember, Dina is not the worst offender in the company. Her boss is as much to blame for allowing her to act as she pleases, without any consequences. I don't blame her for the actions tailored by others.

For every low level enemy, there's a mid boss, a boss, a final boss, and a secret boss.


 Ok so, how about "I love dick-cakes" ?

or "Worship TechnoWolf" ? it fits :D

or "Lambda's in the closet" ... Aw, too long.

something funny about Lambda, he'll get it !

I don't know, something to lighten this whole adventure that may or may not end up in

Beck : I saved the world ! YAY !

Call : Ahehhem, EXCUSE ME ? WE saved the world ?

Beck : Oh, er... I mean... yeah sure.... you know it's just that I... kinda... was the one who went to battle and shot fire and everything....

Call : Um. Yeah ? So ??? I assisted you !

Beck : ........ When ?

Call : I gave you advices and stuff ! that's important ! just because you're a man doesn't mean you should get all the glory

Beck : .... Was your life in danger whatsoev-


**Staff Roll*

Call : Heya, Tumblr, I'm making this quick blog to tell you how much of a jerk Beck really is. I mean, come on. He stopped the guy that was trying to kill us all but still he can't accept how important I was to the mission by telling him he would die if he jumped into the bottomless pit in one level. Becky (my headmate) was there, and she also was shocked. I tried to explain to him that he was also trigerring me with his water attack, since when I was a kid I tried to go in a pool, then couldn't swim. He never uses trigger warnings when about to use his water attack, that really upsets me. I think he should stop fighting for once, just because there's a man somewhere who wants to control the world by any necessary means, doesn't mean he should not care about what I feel.  


Do what you like with your name. there were some really good ones suggested online. I am still doing mines, my way.

But I did love the fanfic. Did giggle. But it looks like RAY will instead be that "drama queen?"


 Mighty No Number, 'cause numbers are bad, they are things implanted by the patriarchy to put early in your mind the idea that there are some things inferiors to some others.

Mighty No Number "cause everyone and everything are equal.


 Oh I could only imagine what people put... xD So in a few months the game is set to be released. It's finished now, according to Inafune so now they're working on porting the game and working on marketing too. Hopefully the game was polished a bit more since the Beta was released. (I didn't get a chance to play the beta, but like many people said it wasn't too impressive unfortunately...) Here's said video, oh and happy 2015 guys!">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="355">


 I got a feeling the marketing campaign will be quite...interesting, to say the least.


 Happy 2015 Everyone!!!

If the gameplay in the video is any indication, it looks like the graphics haven't really improved since the test video we were shown September 2013.  Can't really say much about gameplay though.  But yes, after all of the waiting and drama we've been through, her's hoping for a decent game.